Thursday, January 22, 2009


Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”  Genesis 1:28

Day 6 - Fruitfulness

     “In the beginning God…” I have a poster in my office with those words in bold golden letters on a black background.  It communicates the mystery of the creation and the creator.  Yet this creator enters into the darkness and the uncreated nothingness and says “Let there be…”  He created a safe place for the earth to exist and by the spoken word, God brought light into the darkness and life into nothingness and fruit into the barren wastes of the void.

On the sixth day God created humans, male and female in His image. And He appointed us to govern the animals and all the earth with His divine authority.  God blessed humans and told us to be fruitful; to increase in number and fill the earth.

Some religious traditions hold that marriage and sexual union are for procreation, not primarily for enjoyment. Our fruitfulness has increased human population to well over 6 billion and growing exponentially each year.  With limited resources can humans continue to procreate at this same alarming rate?  Might God be calling for fruitfulness in ways other than procreation? 

As Michele and I discussed this passage, we thought about fruitfulness.  How does God want us to increase in numbers?  Jesus told his disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel (good news) to every creature (Mk 16:15).” Sounds similar to creation language, does it not?   We are called to witness to God’s loving act of salvation through Jesus Christ to all the world, to every creature.  Our deeds speak the loudest message.  How are our deeds good news to others?  Jesus said to “go and make disciples of all the nations (Mat 28:19).”  Fruitfulness could be defined by actions that communicate God’s love to others, inviting them to want to know and serve Christ as we do, increasing the size of God’s family.

Michele remembered a time when she was a recipient of good news.  I was working out of town and she experienced a miscarriage.  It was in the first 6 weeks so neither of us was expecting a baby.  It was devastating for Michele and I was not there to comfort her.  A friend from church, however, came to be with her and provided support while I was away.  Michele experienced God’s love and the gospel through this act of kindness.

I did not know how to feel about the loss.  Michele was deeply saddened, but I struggled to feel anything, but indifference. One night about a month later while I was at home alone, a knock came at the door. It was a floral delivery.  I accepted a single red rose with a card attached.  We had kept the miscarriage a private matter, but apparently the word had gotten out.  The card, signed by our church choir to which we belonged, expressed sympathy for our loss. Staring at this symbol of caring, I suddenly wept. Somehow that act of compassion gave me permission to grieve our loss. This act of love freed my confused heart, like light shining brightly in the darkness.

Your marriage serves you the opportunity to reflect God’s image by the way you love each other and in the way you serve your neighbors.  Together you become for your neighbors a sign of God’s creative presence.   You are a light from God in an otherwise dark world.  Your loving action as a couple is good news.  Others will want to belong to the God you represent.

Be fruitful by loving as Christ loved, giving as Christ gave.  First love God completely, and He will enable you to love each other even more deeply.  Love your spouse, your children and extended family, your neighbors and your church. And show loving hospitality to strangers.  God has blessed you, giving you authority in His name and commanded you to increase the size of His family.  Let there be. 

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