Wednesday, November 4, 2009


When they saw the star they shouted joyfully. – Mat. 2:10 (NET Bible)

“‘Tis to the season to be jolly!” Have you noticed in recent years the cynicism in films about the holidays? There’s a long list that grows as each jolly season comes around. Rather than themes that celebrate the joy of the season of love, the focus is primarily on dysfunctional families and broken relationships, greed and grimacing. While the cynical approach may name what is the reality for many, it subverts the joyous message. The message is “Love is real.”
There’s a carol that names it well.

Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas;
star and angels gave the sign.

Astrologers (Magi) from Persian courts came to pay homage to the Messiah born not only for Israel, but for all people. These men had learned the messianic prophecies of from Judah’s captivity in Babylon. They were knowledgeable about the hope that one day God would restore His people with a son of King David and His kingdom would be marked by justice, righteousness, peace and the blessing of all the kingdoms of the earth. Kings and rulers would flock to Jerusalem to learn of God and share in this outpouring of wisdom, truth and majesty. Our best hope for human community is summed up in this messianic kingdom.
You and your spouse are chief subjects to King Jesus. He has a special task for you. It is to rejoice in Him, hope in Him and to love one another with the love He has shown each of you through His life, death and resurrection. Michele and I see our duty to Christ our King as the sacred task of loving one another; to love and care for our children and neighbors as a means of celebrating the greatest love ever given to the world.

This love is a self-emptying love. We do not possess this love apart from our connection to the King. When we drift from the majesty of His throne to go and serve others gods, like the god of busy-ness, the god of success, of fortune, of recognition, or of recreation, we separate ourselves from this real love.

John wrote in his first letter to the church that we know love by this: “Jesus laid down his life for us; thus we ought to lay down our lives for our fellow Christians” (1 Jn 3:16 NET Bible). This kind of love is risky and takes complete faith. It is a love that keeps no record of wrong, is not rude and shows patience (see 1 Cor. 13). This “other seeking love” is made completely real to our hearts when we embrace the gift of Christmas, Christ Jesus. When our hearts are filled with His Spirit, we can enjoy a true holiday, holy days in joyous celebration.

Discuss with one another how you can connect with this real love together. How will you spend time before the throne of Christ Jesus and be filled with His love? How will you share this self-emptying love with one another?

This love is a special light in the world. The Magi saw the new star that announced Christ’s birth and they were overjoyed. May you know the joy of real love, first from Christ and through Him for one another and the entire world.